You did your soul and your skin a favor and made the switch to using all-natural handmade soaps. Taking care of them can be a little different than commercially made soaps. We made this handy little tip sheet to help you on your journey!
Store out of direct sunlight-We use all-natural colorants which can fade when exposed to too much light. We know you love putting our bars on display before you use them. Try keeping them off the window sill and instead place on a cute decorative shelf in your bathroom. Let them have their moment to shine by being part of your design schema while they wait for their turn in the shower.
Allow your soaps to breathe-Don’t store in plastic ziplock bags. Natural soap needs airflow otherwise mold can grow on the botanicals on the tops of your soap. If you are storing in airtight containers open the lids every so often to let in fresh air.
Use your soap fresh-Natural soap doesn’t contain any preservatives and uses fresh ingredients like essential oils or plant juices. As a result your soap is best enjoyed within 1 year of purchase. Unlike commercially made soap our bars are not made to survive a nuclear disaster. So what are you waiting for, use those beautiful bars!
Cut your bar in half-If you find your bar is too big or you are using it too fast try taking a kitchen knife and cutting it in half. Use smaller pieces at a time to stretch out the life of your bar. Smaller bars of soap are also way easier for kids to wash up with!